[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


13th April 2012

`I see something that has to be done and I organize it'

Elinor Guggenheimer

I was thinking what it means to motivate others and why is this important. In everyone's life there comes a period when we have to work physically to earn a living. We work with our hands and we get paid. We have to do some work. The work can be anything from a chopping a tree to writing a software programme. It may be singing, playing an instrument, teaching, playing or swimming. If we want to earn more money, we have to work more. We have to chop more trees, write more software programmes, sing more, and play the instrument more, playing more and swimming more.

But there is a limit beyond which we cannot earn more by working more. If we want to earn much more, we have to make a paradigm shift – from working to supervising others' work. We have to shift our focus from taking responsibility to our own work to taking responsibility for the work of others. We have to shift our focus from motivating ourselves to work to motivating others to work. We have to shift our focus from technical skills to man management skills.

Successful business leaders manage three major portfolios which accounts for their time and these are very important.

Inquisitive to know what are they? Keep reading!

N C Sridharan



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