[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


25th April 2012

If you are involved, you won't feel tired!

`Tell me I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I will understand'

Chinese Proverb

Sometimes we say that we are tired and seek rest. We should understand that there is a close relationship between tiredness and involvement. The more you are involved in what you are doing, the less you will feel tired. An excellent example is the mindset of a mother. Have you ever come across a mother who is tired of bringing up her child?

Yes, we will feel exhausted, run down, and experience bodily pain. Physically we may feel tired but we will be mentally alert if we are involved in what we are doing. Our physical response to our mental tiredness makes all the difference in our effort level. We will not give up our effort level if we are involved mentally.

We have to read the life history of great people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa etc and notice how much hard they had to work to win. During the life time of Mahatma Gandhi, he suffered imprisonment for 249 days in South Africa and 2089 days in India, which means that approximately he spent six and half years in jail in pursuit of his mission. He never felt tired of going to prison because he was involved in what he was doing!

N C Sridharan



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