[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


23rd April 2012

`When I was young, I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. So I did ten times more work'.

George Bernard Shaw

My good friend Dr. Ravichandran, the CEO of Lucas TVS, was addressing the sports day of a school with which I am associated. Two of the many thought provoking points he made in his speech highly impressed me. He said pearls do not float and we have to dive to fetch pearls. He also said that if a diver who goes to fetch pearls returns empty handed, it is not the mistake of the sea, but his own lack of adequate efforts!

Success will not be offered to us in a platter. We have to work hard and get the same. There are enough opportunities in the world for us to exploit. The limitation is not in the environment. The limitation is in us, in our strategy, in our faulty thought process, in our poverty of ideas.

The other day I was talking to a coach who trains test cricketers. He said that the daily routine of a top class cricketer is the same wherever he is. He said that they are out in the nets 300 out of 365 days.  When we start enjoying the pain, success will knock at our doors.

Before going to bed today, ask yourself this question: am I really working enough number of hours in a day?

N C Sridharan



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