[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


19th April 2012

The best motivator is our mind. The worst de-motivator is also our mind. Unless and until our mind supports our ambition, we will not do what is required. We will give up our efforts at the slightest provocation. We need to convince our mind why need to act in a particular way and why should not act in a particular way. Once the mind is convinced on this dos and don'ts, it is easy to remain on this course. Our plan of action  will not derail.

One way to `market' a thought or an idea to our mind is keep asking the questions `what will it do for me, how I will be different from what I am now, what will I lose if I don't have it now?'.

Since our mind is our best friend, it will not get convinced so easily. The mind wants many answers. We may ignore our mind's questioning. In such situations, the mind will just withdraw its support and cooperation.

We have to keep our mind on our side. Our mind should follow our intellect. The mind has no intelligence. It is something like using a powerful software by giving the right commands.

We have to be emotionally intelligent and control the five senses. If we don't exercise this option, the mind will escape in all directions.

I have an interesting story to explain emotional intelligence. Wait for a day.

N C Sridharan



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