[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


4th April 2012

 One of the readers of this newsletter, Mr. Suresh, responded to my newsletter dated 3rd April as follows:

Dear Sir,

I have been reading this mail every morning with keen interest for self improvement.

I share a Zen story on similar lines.


You Communicate even when you don't Communicate


A Buddhist monk was meditating on the beach every morning, with absolute calm and radiance of love personified. So much he was  at peace with himself and with the outer world, that doves and pigeons used to flock around him and also perch on his shoulders when he was meditating. They used to flyaway once the monk comes out of meditation.


A small boy was watching this with awe and surprise and he went to the monk after meditation. He wanted a pigeon to be taken home and to play with and he requested the monk to get him a pigeon.


The Monk asked the boy to come next morning to the beach.


The next morning the Monk sat for meditation and as the time passed, Lo!! What a surprise!!! Not a single dove or pigeon turned up near him. The very vibration set by the monk to catch a pigeon for the boy was sufficient to drive them away.


Moral of the Story: You communicate even when you don't communicate.


This is very much applicable in the Corporate World where your silence and vibration can be easily perceived by others, without you need to open your mouth'.


I welcome such useful inputs to my newsletter.

Thanks Suresh!

N C Sridharan



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