[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


9th April 2012

Actions speak louder than words.

`Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of Gold; but so does a hard-boiled egg'


Ultimately it is what you do is very important than what you are capable of or what your intentions are. Actions are like bricks making a wall. No bricks, no wall. So in the case of our life: no actions, no result!

Last week I was mentoring a group of students who are going to appear for the Civil Services examination. I asked them to write down what they want to happen in the next two to three years time. Every one of them wrote that they want to pass the Civil Services exam with flying colours. Then I asked them to account for every one hour of their time during the last two days, recalling every activity they did with time duration the activity occupied. They were not able to recall the data. Their mind was blank!  

Ask the following question every day before going to bed:

`What is that one thing that I should do today, which if I do every day, will make a tremendous positive difference in my life? Have I done it today?

Print the above power question and stick it to a place which will draw your attention every now and then, and notice how this simple question transforms your life!

N C Sridharan



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