[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


17th April 2012

Thoughts, feelings and intense feeling…

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.
Oscar Wilde

I was addressing a group of employees in an organization and the occasion was the launching of the business plan for the year. The Chief Executive Officer made an attractive presentation of the business plan and my role was to give a `motivation talk'! I did my best.

However, the question is: can others influence our actions through their motivation talks? The answer is `no'. No one can make us to act in a particular way. We have to decide our action plan. It is up to us to implement our action plan. Action planning is different from acting. Someone can give an action plan, but we only should act.

The first stage is a thought. The thought should become a feeling. The feeling should become an intense feeling and the feeling becomes intense, we act. There is a gap between the thought stage and the action stage. Someone can give us a thought or an idea. But our feelings are generated by us. It is up to us to make the feelings intense or weak.

For example, someone can give us a thought our idea to work hard. But unless we strongly feel that hard work is important to us, we will not work hard.

How to convert a thought into an intense feeling? Wait for a day….

N C Sridharan



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