[Time-Management] 100 More Exciting Ways to Live!


18th April 2012

Here's an explanation…

For my yesterday's newsletter, some readers requested me to explain and I would like to elucidate with some examples.

Any plan is as useful as it is implemented. As all of us know, it is easy to plan, but difficult to act as per plan. In order that we carry out some activity, something should take place inside us.

A thought and a feeling are two different things. For example, I am `thinking' of getting up at 5 am. This thought should trigger a feeling of excitement, pride or happiness inside me. If this is to take place, I should imagine as though I am getting up at 5 am and enjoying all the feelings associated with it.

Not every feeling will push you into action, especially when I am influenced by old habits. The feeling should be intense and strong enough. The more and more I visualize the benefits of getting up at 5 am, my desire to get up early intensifies. When the intensity at the highest, I cannot be prevented from getting up early.

So, as I said, mere motivation talks by others will not change my actions. My mind has to accept the goal, the business plan and the target. Only then I will initiate specific actions and enjoy doing the same.

N C Sridharan



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