[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


21st August 2012

`Some men, like a wet dog, sprinkle a shower of advice over you when you are least prepared for a bath!

Austin O'Malley

Have you ever asked yourself one question about yourself: when I speak to people, how far do they enjoy the same? May be I am asking you to ask a sensitive question about one of your traits which you may not have known!

Very often we are in conversation with others. At the end of it, they should have enjoyed the same and look forward to the next occasion when you will speak to them again.

You may not know, others may avoid you if the following are present in your conversation:

  • `Advice giving'
  • Unwanted criticism
  • Unsolicited correcting.
  • Offering suggestions which they may not need?
  • Speaking about yourself which they may not want to hear?
  • Not allowing them to them to speak and the quality of your listening?

These are even more important when you are on telephone conversation when you will have no clue on the body language or facial expression of the listener! The other person may not like to wound your feelings by sharing the above with you.

One way to avoid the above is to become conscious about these small aspects which will make a big difference on your image!

N C Sridharan



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