[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


20th August 2012

`Many only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people'

Will Rogers

How often you meet people and for what purpose? In your life you have lot of walking legends, small or big. Each one of them will have some message and lesson to tell you. I run a Tamil monthly magazine and I make it a point to interview successful people and carry the same in my magazine. I don't know if my readers are benefited from such interviews, but I benefit a lot!

Move with people who have achieved something in life. They may not be accessible to you. But still try to meet them. Don't miss to watch interviews of great people on the television.

Move with smart people who have handled tough situations and problems in life. Learn from them on how they faced failures and bounced back. There are a lot of rags to riches stories and learn from such people. If you have been failing in your field, browse the website to know about people who have achieved in the same field and how they did the same.  

When you go to any social gatherings, make it a point to meet as many people as possible and talk to them on how they are doing what they are doing. You may learn a lot from them!

N C Sridharan



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