[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


24th August 2012

`A man's growth is seen in the successive choirs of his friends'. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Do an exercise. List all your friends and check how many of them are intellectually rewarding friends! Surprised about this phrase? I am sure you will agree that we need to have friends who can think intelligently. You may have several types of friends – financially rewarding, emotionally rewarding, entertainment wise rewarding etc.

Financially rewarding friends may help you when you need money; when you are emotionally challenged, you may need friends who can offer emotional support; if you love sports or other types of entertainment, certainly you may approach such friends who share your passion.

But when you have a challenging assignment or when you go through difficulties you need the help of friends you can think for you intelligently. In fact even to grow and prosper you need intellectual support.

I have a friend of mine who has small coterie of friends from various specializations such as lawyers, doctors, administrators, management consultants etc. He will meet them once a month in an informal way to tap from their expertise. He will also offer what he can to them intellectually.

Knowledge is of two kinds: you may have it, or you may know where you can find. Your intellectually rewarding friends will supplement your knowledge!

N C Sridharan



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