[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


31st August 2012

Silence is better than unmeaning words.

Mahatma Gandhi used to observe complete silence one day every week. I wanted to experience the same. I started observing fasting and complete silence for one complete day every month. I started doing this to boost up my own self confidence since I have two major weaknesses – eating and talking!

I realised that most of my time was wasted in unnecessary talking which added no value to me and to others! I thought that I was very careful with respect to how I spend my time, but this experience proved how ignorant I was!

You may not know, but you can substantially increase your productivity by self discipline. You don't have to be highly intelligent to succeed in life. But you have to be highly disciplined. With ordinary intelligence and high discipline you can achieve much more in life than a person with very high intelligence with low discipline!

How we use our five sense organs will decide the scale of our success. I realised that if by controlling just one of the five senses I could achieve such a boost in my personal productivity, how much more I can achieve I intelligently using the other senses also!

Why don't you also go through this experience and realise the power of self discipline!

N C Sridharan



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