[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


17th August 2012

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

Marie Curie

My cousin has come back to India from United States after over 10 years. We live in Chennai and he has to drive his car. For the past few days he is driving a car and he says he is not afraid of the traffic, but tries to understand the same given our traffic and driving discipline.

The other day I was in my friend's farm house where they sighted a long cobra. My friend telephoned a snake charmer who promptly came and took away the snake without any hassle! I watched him handling the snake and he was calm and composed and was even talking to us as he was catching the tail of the snake and led the same into a gunny bag he brought with him!

I had a chance to chat with a school final student who stood State first. I asked him how he will answer a tough question and if he will be afraid of the same. He said that he will read the question several times to understand the same and the question will become very easy!

This weekend, identify one problem you are afraid to face; break the same into small parts and understand the same. Then notice if the problem is still difficult!

N C Sridharan



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