[Time-Management] The Gift of Your Time!


12th August 2012

Time - The Hidden Treasure under Your Feet!

All of us have the same amount of time. But we differ in the way we `invest' the same on useful and high yielding projects. Successful people know how to convert their `available time' into `productive time'. They are clear about their most important priorities. They tap into their Right Side brain and use their Left Side brain to give them the strategy to reach their dream life.

My programme `The Gift of Time' scheduled to be held on the 18th August at Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, 149 Greams Road, Chennai from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm will explain how they do this.

For details please contact: +91 9282159733  or  +91 9791678022

N C Sridharan



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