[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


23rd August 2012

Don't be limited by the expectations of others. You can always be better and do more.
Bruce Oldfield

Ordinary organisations grow when they delight their customers with their products and services. When customers are delighted, they become loyal customers.

Even as individuals we have some product or services to offer to others. We may be teachers, doctors, artists, lawyers etc. Or you may be street vendor selling fruits or flowers. You need to ask a very pointed question after you have serviced a customer:

  • Have I fully met his expectations? Or have I given him what I have?

You may have given him what you have and it may also be your best. But as long as you have not totally satisfied his expectations, he will not be delighted.

I was observing a very leading playback singer whose call sheet is very difficult to get and the normal waiting period for any cine producer is one year. When he was recording for a three minute song, the music director made him to sing a line for nearly fifteen times before the take was finally approved and the playback singer sang all the fifteen times without in anyway getting irritated. At the end of the day he told me that he would have repeated the line even hundred times if the music director wanted!

No wonder he is much wanted!

N C Sridharan



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