[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


30th August 2012

The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.
Peter Drucker

When we communicate with people we should be sensitive to the feelings of others and conscious on how they will take the content of our communication. For example, some days ago I wrote a piece on unwanted advices and suggestions and I quoted Austin O'Malley's `Some men, like a wet dog, sprinkle a shower of advice over you when you are least prepared for a bath!'

For example, one day I shared that quotation with my mother and left for my school.

Around noon I realised my mistake: the previous day evening my mother was advising me on an important issue and we were arguing on that! It suddenly occurred to me that unknowingly I might have wounded her sentiments. I rushed home and my mother appeared to be upset and asked why I gave that quote.

I sat with her for nearly one hour to explain the context in which I shared the quote with her and convinced her I did not mean that she was giving me unnecessary advice. I took some time to communicate my positive intention, and I felt relieved after that!

I realised that my enthusiasm to share good thoughts with others should not blind me to the sentiments of people – knowingly or unknowingly!

N C Sridharan



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