[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


27th August 2012

`Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters'

Nathaniel Emmons

We are what our habits and traits make us. We have good and bad habits. Good habits improve the quality of our life and bad habits destroy us. Most of us aware of how our bad habits affect us, but we may not know how to get out of the same.

We are not only human beings, but also `thinking beings'. We can use our faculty of thinking and logical reasoning to come out of our bad habits.

Here's an exercise.

List ten bad habits you have from which you find it very difficult to come out. For example: I am lazy; I over eat; I over sleep; I don't think before I speak; I drive rashly; I procrastinate etc.

Against each bad habit write down a sentence how the same has affected you or how well you would have progressed in life if you had conquered this habit in time! Trust your intelligent mind. You mind is your true and sincere servant. It will certainly help you with ideas how to fight this bad habit.

Take one bad habit per week and do this exercise and watch your progress!

N C Sridharan



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