[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


15th August 2012

`People seldom improve when they have no other model but themselves to copy.

Oliver Goldsmith

I know a great educationist whose school is rated as one among the top five schools in India. She is over eighty five, but very energetic and enthusiastic in whatever she does. One unique thing I noticed in her is her humility to learn from others. Whenever she attends any seminar, she will always be in the first row studiously taking notes and asking questions. The moment she comes to know about someone who has some special talent, she will immediately invite him to her school and she will be there along with her students and staff to learn from him!

World class organisations buy their competitors' product and study them carefully to know how they are better than their own.

The whole concept of NLP is about modeling excellence. We should not copy others, but model what is best in others. When you copy others, your originality disappears. But when you model someone's good parameter, you improve what you already have!

You should have many role models. A role model need not be a great personality. You can learn from anyone you come across in your daily life – from the lift man to the watchman to the driver to your Managing Director! Each of them will have something to teach you!

N C Sridharan



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