[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


28th August 2012

Clarity affords focus. 
Thomas Leonard 

Recently I concluded a one day programme on how to enhance the productivity of our time. Most of our confusion with regard to our time is due to lack of clarity on three P's: Purpose, Process and Priority.

If we have money, we decide for what purpose and how we want to use the same. We don't buy anything and everything we see. We have our own priority for money and its usage. We process our spending in such a way that there is return on investment.

We need to develop this mindset with reference to time also. If we have one hour of time, we need to be clear about:

  • For what purpose I want to use this one hour?
  • If I am doing something in this one hour of time, am I doing it effectively or is there any other way of doing the same?
  • Should I do this activity in this one hour of time, or can I usefully `invest' this time on some other more productive activity? Is this activity my priority?

One common denominator among successful people is that they are clear about these three P's! How about you?

N C Sridharan



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