[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


16th August 2012

`The safest principle through life, instead of reforming others, is to set about perfecting yourself'


I heard about a story on how leather chapels came into the world. A King wanted to go round his Kingdom on walk, but noticed rough stones and thorns all around. So he ordered his Minister to cover all the roads with leather so that he can walk on the same safely. The intelligent Minister suggested to the King that instead of covering the whole road, he can cover his foot with a protective leather piece!

This principle applies to our life also. We cannot reform the world, but we should improve ourselves by accepting the reality. Consider the following:

  • The road will become crowded with traffic, but learn to drive carefully.
  • The environment will get more polluted, but take preventive care.
  • Inflation will raise, but increase your earnings or reduce unnecessary expenses.
  • Customers will shift loyalty, but improve the quality of your customer care.
  • People may cheat you, but you become smart.

If you think for a while, you will realise that life is becoming more and more difficult – from crossing the road to passing an exam. But we are becoming more intelligent, stronger and smarter.

There is no limit to our self improvement in as much as there is no limit for situations getting tougher day by day!

N C Sridharan



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