[Time-Management] Open programme on 'The Gift of Time'


Dear readers,

I am sure you are aware of my open programme `The Gift of time' to be held on Saturday, the 18th August, 2012 at Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, 149,Greams Road, Chennai 600 006 from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm.

There are a few seats available.

I intend focusing on the following special issues which will be of immense use to you:

·         How to identify and handle the problems that lie between our dream and our goal?

·         How to handle our `limiting beliefs' to empower and motivate us?

·         How to tap into the hidden treasures of our Right Side brain?

If you wish to attend this programme, please contact my office on:

+91 9282159733 or +91 9791678022

timeline@vsnl.com  or thetimefoundation@gmail.com

N C Sridharan



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