[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


13th August 2012

`If your happiness depends on what somebody does, I guess you have a problem'

Richard Bach

I was talking to a parent and they are concerned that their child is not performing well in the class. They indentified the following reasons for the child's poor performance:

  • `His friends circle is not good'
  • `Too many distractions in and outside the school'
  • `Lot of visitors in the home'
  • `Too much noise pollution in the street and he is not able to read peacefully'

Did you notice one thing common in the above list? All of them are external to the child! In other words, if the child has to do well in the exam, all these external factors have to be controlled, but these external factors are not in their domain of control!

I pointed out to them that first of all the child has to change internally and resolve that come what may, he will concentrate on his studies. If this mindset is installed in the boy, he will not be able to concentrate. Even if we are able to remove all the above external factors, new factors will come up and the child will be back to square one!

We should believe that both the problem and the solution are inside us and not outside us.

Do you believe in this?

N C Sridharan



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