[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


3rd September 2012

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

How many friends you have? Out of that how many have the closeness and freedom to criticize your actions and decisions? How vociferous will they be to voice their dissent? How confident will they be that you will respect their dissent? How patient and calm will you be to listen to their criticism?

Ask yourself the above questions and frankly answer. If you are surrounded by `yes men', you are likely to commit mistakes. A true friend is one you is really concerned about you irrespective of whether you like his criticism or not. He values your welfare more than your friendship.

Your enemies will also criticize you and you will notice their criticism. In fact the quality of your listening will be better when you listen to your enemies' criticisms! You will not notice the silence of your friends and you will take them for granted!

There is an old saying that a friend will make you happy, but an enemy will make you cry. Sometimes we learn more when we cry than when we laugh!

Check this out: during the last one month, how many friends criticized you? If you have not received any criticism, you have to be concerned and not happy!

N C Sridharan



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