[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


4th September 2012

`Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working'


Do you know the `SW' formula? It means `Some Will, Some Won't, So what'!

Let's assume that you have an idea. A successful person will know how to make the idea to work for him. He will make a product or service out of that idea. Colonel Sanders got an idea to market his chicken soup recipe when his restaurant was closed down. All that he had was his chicken soup recipe. He knocked the doors of at least one thousand restaurants to sell his chicken soup, but no one gave him the order. After one thousands `no's' he got his first order and he became a billionaire!

Walt Disney's idea of Disney Land was not accepted by many. For that matter Galileo's concept that the world is not flat but round was not accepted by many. Graham Bell's idea that he can speak through wire was not accepted until he proved that he can!

In order to succeed in your life, you need to persevere. Others need not accept your idea. Others need not believe in your idea. Others need not value your idea. Others need not encourage your idea. Others not appreciating your point of view does not mean that your idea is bad. It just means either you have not convinced them or that they have not yet understood your point of view.

So, persevere!

N C Sridharan



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