[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


13th September 2012

`Few delights can equal the mere presence of someone we utterly trust'

George MacDonald

Some people have very enviable traits. I have a friend of mine who will make it a point to meet his friends on a very regular basis. When he meets them he will have no other agenda except to meet them and talk to them. When he meets them you can feel the genuineness and warmth. He will look into the eyes and talk. When he is with you, you will his emotional closeness. He will enquire about your welfare; recall some of your happy moments; share some of his recent experience etc.

More than anything he will know when to take leave of you. Never will he make the other person feel uncomfortable and embarrassed! Actually some of his friends will look forward to meeting him. He will be the first person to greet them on special occasions such as wedding day, birthdays etc. When he attends such functions, he will volunteer to help you.

He is a good story teller to children. He is also a very humorous person. When his friends are in difficulties, he will be the first person to arrive to offer any help.

When you are free, put yourself in his shoes and feel what it means to be him!

N C Sridharan



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