[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


27th September 2012

`When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language of the first'

Ralph Waldo Emerson

How receptive and comfortable are you to others' suggestions and ideas on areas where you feel you are an expert? You may say that you are comfortable. But will others `feel' comfortable when they offer you ideas?

A lot depends on your body language. Others will notice two sets of body language response from you: one set which encouraging others, and two, discouraging others. If you are reluctant to listen to others' advice, your state of mind will manifests itself in body language such as: shaking your head indicating that you don't like their ideas; facial expression showing dislike; interrupting the other person before he finishes; meddling with paper weight or ball pens when the other person is speaking; not making eye contact, etc.

When you are in a receptive mood, the other person will feel the same from your body language such as: asking clarifications; eye contact; a pleasant facial expression inviting the other person to speak etc.

One characteristic I find in great people is their humility when they receive advice and suggestions from others. When they don't want to listen to you, they will say so openly, but they will never show the same through their negative body language explained above.

How about you?

N C Sridharan



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