[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


24th September 2012

`Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly on their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential'

John Maxwell

I have written several times that all of us are created with identical brain power and we differ only with reference to our mind power.

Last week I started a `School of Music' in our school. A good number of parents enrolled their children into the same. I could see the enthusiasm in their face. For the inauguration I brought a legend who has achieved great success in the field of music at a very young age. The parents asked some very interesting questions to him. One parent wanted to know how long will it take for his child to play a song on an instrument. Another parent wanted to know if a child coming from a family of no musicians can learn music. A third parent wanted to know if the music class will interfere with the curriculum.

The legend replied in one word: desire! If there is no desire in the child, he will not practice daily. If the parents do not have the desire, they will not encourage the child. If the school does not have to desire to produce music genius from the children, all the hidden potential will be wasted.

This simple principle is true not only with respect to music. It is relevant in all other aspects of our life.

N C Sridharan



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