[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


10th September 2012

To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.

How do you use negative criticisms? You can use them constructively or you can get discouraged and give up your efforts. You don't expect everyone to support your ideas and philosophy of life. Some criticisms could be genuine and well intended, and you should use them to revalidate your beliefs and assumptions.

I heard a story which will be very relevant here. There was an old donkey in a village and it fell into a dry well. People tried to lift the donkey, but did not persevere since there was no use of that donkey for them. The donkey remained in the well for several days crying for help.

Every day the villagers dumped their garbage into the well since they used the well as their dumping yard. More and more people dumped their garbage on the donkey But the donkey was doing something very peculiar: every time someone dumped the garbage on the donkey, the donkey shrugged the same and stood over the garbage. As time went on the level of the garbage rose and one day the donkey walked out of the well using the same garbage which was thrown on it!

We should ignore the `garbage criticism' and use the same to come up in our chosen field!

N C Sridharan



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