[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


5th September 2012

"Control your emotion or it will control you"


Have you spent sleepless nights? Many of us go through situations in our life when our emotions are touched and consequently we lose our peace of mind. At least I have experienced this. I was thinking we go through this `emotional blackout' and I got the answer in my school!

It was around 10 am when two parents came to my room dragging their children – classmates studying in I Standard `A' section. When they came to my room, both the children were fighting with each other and the respective parents were also fighting among themselves. The issue: on child insulted and shouted at the other child which triggered the fight resulting in both the parents taking up the issue!

For about fifteen minutes the parents were fighting, challenging each other, using angry words etc. I suddenly noticed that the children were missing from that place. I looked around and they were playing with each other totally forgetting what happened a while ago!

I understood the reason for losing our peace of mind: we carry our emotions in our mind beyond the context. The anger and irritation haunts us long after the event is over while the children forget the same.

Next time you get angry, try to forget the same and allow your mind to relax and see what happens!

N C Sridharan



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