[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


18th September 2012

We cannot learn from one another until we stop shouting at one another -- until we speak quietly enough so that our words can be heard as well as our voices.

Richard Nixon

Sometimes we get angry and emotional when we get into an argument with someone. We get irritated when someone does not agree with our point of view. We get irritated and end up shouting.

We have to improve the quality of our communication and avoid shouting. Shouting by itself will not improve the communication quality. If at all it will only affect the quality of listening and receptivity. When we shout, we get emotional and also make the other person emotional. When we are emotionally charged we may not know what we are talking, nor the other person notice what he is listening.

The purpose of communication is to register our point of view to the other person. To achieve this objective, we have to ensure that we maintain a good rapport with the person with whom we communicate.

Shouting makes the other person to defend his point of view and start thinking how and what he should reply instead of listening to the content of communication. It may also irritate the other person and normally the other person will also start shouting!

I am not against shouting if the same is a strategy to drive our point of view and not a result of our emotional outburst!

Every day before going to bed, note down an incident when you shouted at someone and think if you could have avoided the same!

N C Sridharan



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