[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


26th September 2012

`Behaviour is the mirror in which everyone shows their image'

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Is there a gap between what you promise and what you do? If so, it will affect your image. Image will affect your personality and your interpersonal relationship. You may not notice this gap. But others will notice and you will lose your credibility as a person.

I went to a leading eye hospital to get my eyes tested and I was prescribed a new glass. The same hospital has a spectacle shop and I gave the order for my new spectacle. The owner took measurement and committed delivery within four days. He took my mobile number and promised that I can come and take delivery of my new spectacle after he telephones me.

After four days I telephoned him to check if my spectacle is ready. He told me that it is not ready and again he assured that he will call me on my mobile once it is ready.

After a week I went in person and asked if the spectacle was ready. He said it is ready and gave the same. He didn't express any regret for not telephoning me even when I asked him about it! He seems to have taken his promise of telephoning very casually! But I didn't.

Every day, before going to bed, just check how you are performing in this area!

N C Sridharan



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