[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


19th September 2012

`Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new'

Brian Tracy

In life you have to accept some uncomfortable but good things. The other day I visited a friend of mine in a hospital where he is undergoing a treatment for a fractured leg. His legs are held up with braces and he has to be in the same position without any movement. He was undergoing acute pain and suffering. He was requesting the staff nurse to release him from the braces but she rightly refused.

I understood that there are occasions in life where we have to put up with some discomfort by accepting the same as reality. This mindset will make us to enjoy the discomfort.

For example:

  • Getting up early morning may not be comfortable, yet we have to accept the same for our long term good;
  • Wearing an helmet while driving a motorbike may  not be enjoyable, yet we have to wear it to protect our head;
  • We may not like the discipline of daily exercising, yet we have to do it to ensure long term health;

The list can be endless. Why don't you make your own list of all those things which you have been avoiding since they are uncomfortable, and against each write down one reason why you have to do the same?

N C Sridharan



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