[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


17th September 2012

`Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly'

Richard Bach

We are what our mind makes us to be. Our mind can make us confident or diffident. Our mind can make us optimistic or pessimistic.

I recall an anecdote involving George Dantzig who was a great American Mathematician and known as the `father of linear programming'. One day Dantzig walked into his classroom at California Berkley. He was late to class and all that he noticed were two statistics problems written on the board. He took down the same and during the next three days he sat and solved the same and gave to his mathematics teacher.

The teacher was shocked. Before Dantzig came to the class, the mathematics Professor Neyman wrote these problems on the board and explained that these problems have not been solved by anyone and even Einstein could not solve the same! Other students never bothered to solve a problem which was not solved by anyone. Since Dantzig was late to class, he did not have this limitation in his mind and hence solved the problem!

Sometimes we are limited by the discouraging words of others. They may be right from their point of view. We need others as `sounding boards', but we have to decide what we want and work towards the same!

N C Sridharan



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