[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


20th September 2012

Not to unlearn what you have learned is the most necessary kind of learning. 

Unlearning is more difficult than learning!

If we have learnt correctly, it is okay. Sometimes we learn wrong things or what we have learnt does not suit the situation where we live. Similarly we learn to relax in our own way. Sometimes we are wrongly advised that smoking and drinking will give us the relaxation. Thus we walk into a trap and when we want to come out of some of our habits, we find it very difficult.

When we learnt driving, we learnt in a particular way. Later on we notice that our driving is defective, but we are not able to come out of the same. For example honking while driving, speeding, clutch driving etc.

This problem is not restricted to bad habits alone.

If we learn to type in the proper way, we will be able to type very fast. On the other hand if we learn to type with just two fingers, this will become our typing style and our productivity will be affected.

May be you can do an exercise. List one activity which you feel you've not learnt the right way and try to set it right. Similarly work on other areas of your life. In a year you will notice a huge difference in your own personality.

N C Sridharan



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