[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


1st October 2012

Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. 

Oprah Winfrey

In my time management seminars one point I try to drive is: No one can be motivated and no one can be changed. No one can be influenced. No one can be encouraged or discouraged! Isn't true? Some of you may not agree. But think for a moment. If people can be encouraged, why is that some people do not respond to such encouragement? Why some people refuse to change?

The only driving force is how your mind visualizes your goal and destination. If your goal is exciting, you get all the power to move on. The more vivid you can visualize your future, your drive and energy will be even more.

The more and more you visualize your future and assign a strong emotional value to it, the more passionate you become to the activity connected with that goal. The life of Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa are examples for this. No one can say that they were physically strong. But mentally they were strong. They had a passion to do what they did in their life.

The quality of your focus is determined by the intensity of your passion.

With this point in mind, watch a tennis star performing a world class match and you will understand where their power is coming from!

N C Sridharan



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