[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


12th September 2012

 `Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are'

Bernice Johnson Reagon

Do you consider difficult issues as problems? The answer is `yes' for most of us. But achievers go one step further: they take each problem as a challenge! I have been repeatedly saying that our mind is a `thought factory' and the quality of our thoughts will decide the quality of our life.

While working towards our goals, difficult issues will confront us as problems. But we have to take advantage of each problem and derive some benefit from the same. The human brain becomes more and sharper with usage. Man wanted to beat the distance and time equation. Once it was believed that more distance means more time. For example if you take fifteen minutes to travel one mile, you will require thirty minutes to travel two miles. But man realized that time is a limited resource and invented the wheel, then the motor, then the motor cycle, then the aircraft etc. and there has been no limit to the efficiency of his `thought factory'!

Distance has always been a problem for communication and this challenge was answered by telephone, the e mail, the internet etc.

List all the difficult issues you have and convert all of them as opportunity for improvement!

N C Sridharan



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