[Time-Management] 100 Thoughts for Self Improvement!


21st September 2012

`Remedy your deficiencies, and your merits will take care of themselves'

Edward Bulwer – Lytton

The happiest news is the fact that the brain content and functioning is identical across the human race. But brain power alone cannot decide our success or failure. Brain is like the hard disc of a computer. We need software to work the computer. The best computer and software will be useless due to some virus programmes stopping the software.

This example is very much relevant to the human system. The entire concept of NLP is about this simple principle. You may have high dreams and aspirations in life and you may even be serious about the same. Still you may not succeed. Just as the computer is propelled by the software, our brain is propelled by the `mindware'. You have to scan your mind and remove the `mental virus'.

Do an exercise: list all your dreams and ambitions. Then list all the resources you already have to make them come true. The next stage is to ask the question: what prevents me from having my goal?'

Answers could be laziness, complacency, lack of resources, attitude, lack of perseverance, lack of adequate efforts, lack of interpersonal skills etc. You have take one issue from this list per week and work on the same.

Do this exercise and experience empowerment!

N C Sridharan



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