[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


4th January 2010


Have an inventory of your bad habits!


Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please...

Mark Twain



Sounds funny? It may. But in reality we do have bad habits. We are aware of some of them and we are not aware of many until someone points out. Even then, we do not accept, but question them! We need to know who we are. We are a combination of good and bad.


Today, you take a piece of paper and pencil and list all the bad habits you have. Be frank and list all of them. Keep the list confidential and you don't have to tell anyone about this exercise. If you are willing, you can go and ask someone whom you can trust to `enrich' this list. Ask them to tell you all the bad habits you have which they have noticed and you have missed. You will be surprised to see the list! Perhaps some of you can form a small group of known people for this exercise and help each other to identify the bad habits each of you has.


Some examples could be:

  • Procrastination
  • Over eating
  • Butting in when someone is speaking
  • Making promises and not keeping them
  • Speaking very loudly
  • Passing bad and unhealthy comments about others
  • Wounding others' feelings
  • Borrowing a book and not  returning it
  • Over speeding
  • Unsafe driving
  • Shabbily dressing


The list can expand depending on your frankness. Once you have identified all the bad habits you have, the next step is to ask the question: which of these is very critical and will badly affect my personal and professional life? Identify the most critical three bad habits and have an action plan and strategy to come out of the same. Make a personal resolve and self affirmation that within a specific point of time frame, you will get rid of the same. Make a public announcement to friends who are very close to you to `monitor' your implementation.


Just do this exercise and watch the impact!


N C Sridharan

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