[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


26th January 2010


Do You Listen to Others' Advice?

Some people grin and bear it; others smile and do it.


We are intelligent enough to take our own decisions in matters concerning our welfare. We have been succeeding by and large. At the same time there could have been occasions when we failed or did not succeed the way we wanted to. Whenever we succeed or lose, we will notice that the failure or success depends on the quality of decisions we take. Decision making is a very important factor that decides our actions and the probability of success.


It is not likely that we have all the facts and experience to take a qualitative decision. We need the help of others. The input from others in crucial matters counts a lot. We need to be surrounded by people who are sincerely interested in our welfare. In fact, we are surrounded by such people. The question is whether we are interested in listening to their good advice. The interesting thing about people is that they will be more inclined to advice us if we are inclined to listen to them.


Normally we will be inclined to listen to such people who agree with what we decide and not so happy with people who disagree with our point of view. Whenever people give us another point of view, we are likely to reject them if we do not like what they say. Others will be sensitive enough to understand if their views are respected. Over a period of time, they will stop giving us any advice, since they also care for their self respect.


This weak end, do a small exercise. List all the failures and set backs that you have had in your life during the last one year. List also the views of dissent that you received on such occasions from others. Consider what would have been your decision on such occasions if only you had listened to such voice of dissent In short, audit your style of how you receive others' point of view, especially when they do not agree with you. This analysis will throw some light on the quality of your listening to dissenting view points.


In short, audit your style of how you receive others' point of view, especially when they do not agree with you.


Do this simple exercise and you will discover how many more opportunities wait for you with your new mindset!


N C Sridharan

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