[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


List your achievements


19th January 2010


It takes a lot more energy to fail than to succeed, since it takes a lot of concentrated energy to hold on to beliefs that don't work.

Jerry Gillies


Self image, self respect and self confidence are required to achieve anything in life. We need to be empowered and have the requisite energy to challenge every obstacle that we may encounter in our life. With life becoming more and more challenging, the chances of our encountering obstacles become even more probable.


Whenever we fail, our morale is affected and we have to rebuild the same. The feeling of defeat may haunt us. We need to have a mechanism to counter the bad effects of defeat and reinforce ourselves with self confidence and self worth. We should be mature enough to think whenever we fail, it is an exception and not our general style.


One way to do this is list all the achievements and successes that we have to our credit. Take a piece of paper and list all your  achievements. They may be big or small. Some examples could be:

  • Constructed a house.
  • Passed the ……exam in one attempt clearing all the papers in one attempt.
  • Learnt a new language in record time.
  • Got elected as Secretary of  a  club.
  • Have a substantial saving in your bank account.


Once you have listed all the achievements, notice and enjoy your feelings and the sense of pride. Confide this list with someone very close to you. If necessary brag and boast! Do this exercise at least once in three months. You will notice a good difference in your self image, self respect and self worth. This will increase your morale and give you the necessary power to deal with the challenges in life.


Try this exercise during this week end.


N C Sridharan

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