[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


18th January 2010


Gap between Ambition and Accomplishment


The significance of a man is not in what he attains but rather in what he longs to attain.
--Kahlil Gibran

All of us have ambitions in life. An ambition is what we want to accomplish in life. An ambition can be big or small. Depending on our mind and the environment in which we are brought up, we form our ambitions in life. All ambitions can not be accomplishments. An accomplishment is the result of our efforts and activity level. It is an outcome that we produce in our time. There will be a gap between our ambition level and our accomplishment.


Ambitions are a result of our right brain activity. We look at some one or we read a book, meet some one or get an idea. This triggers a thought process in our mind. Consequently we form our ambitions. Unless and until our ambitions are supported by appropriate efforts, we will not be able to reach our ambitions. Sometimes, we could be unrealistic about the size of our ambitions. We are likely to under estimate the task ahead of us. Or we may over estimate our abilities and skill.


There is nothing surprising about this since our ambition, as I said earlier, is our right brain activity. Right brain is emotional and it is not logical and sequential. We need to support our right brain activity with our left brain activity of planning and execution. Our right brain will make us to think whether our ambition is realistic and suggest corrections either in our ambition level or effort level.


An ambition not supported by adequate effort level will only result in failure. A failure is not a result of an unrealistic ambition, but is a result of a mismatch between our ambition and effort level.


This week end, do a small exercise. Jot down three major ambitions in your life. Set aside a specific time and meditate on each of the ambitions and check if you are in taking appropriate efforts in support of the ambition. If not, plan a strategy to fill up the gap.


N C Sridharan

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