[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th January 2010


Be Careful While Giving Negative Feedback



Opinion has caused more trouble on this little earth than plagues or earthquakes.




We may be honestly interested in a person and we are really concerned about the way that person is doing things. We may know something about that person which he himself may not know. Or there could be a criticism that others pass about this person which he may not be aware of. This gives us the right context to give this feedback to that person. Such feedbacks are very important for that person and it is our duty to do so.


But, we need to be cautious while giving negative feedback. Normally people are happy when something good is said about them and they may not be that receptive to  the not so good feedback. It is human nature. We need to keep the following points in mind while giving negative feedback about a person:


  • Is it true or is it our opinion?
  • Is that person in a frame of mind to receive the feedback?
  • Is it the right time and context to give the feedback? Can it be given later?
  • The way the negative feedback is given, the words used, and the `soft' aspects of communication.
  • The frequency of the negative feedback. Not too often.
  • Give the negative feedback in private and not in public.
  • Are you close enough to that person to give that feedback? What is the quality of your rapport with him?
  • In what context the feedback  useful to him? Is he aware of it?


In our anxiety we may not give importance to the above issues while giving the negative feedback since we are sincerely interested in that person. If the above issues are overlooked, we may not achieve the purpose which we had in mind for giving the feedback.


Do a small exercise this week end: list the number of occasions in the last one month when you gave a negative feedback about a person and how he received the same. If he did not receive the same in the right spirit, was it due to any of the factors discussed above?


N C Sridharan

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