[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th January 2010


Send praise to one person every day!


Positive attitudes create a chain reaction of positive thoughts.


Everyone wants positive strokes. We want to be appreciated and praised. We feel happy and encouraged when someone has something  good to say  about us. It is simple human psychology. However, we don't to do frequently. We are more sensitive to mistakes and problems. When someone makes a mistake, we are very prompt in noticing the same. We are not that prompt in noticing good work. Even if we notice,  we don't pass on our appreciation.


Try praising someone and notice how happy the person feels. There can be no better motivator than simple words of praise. The person need not do something extraordinary to be praised. There are a lot of things you can notice in a person deserving praise. It could be as simple as handwriting or the dress. It could a good habit a person has such as neatness. Or it could the constant smile a person wears on his face.


You need to have a taste to notice good things in others. You also need the mind to accept and appreciate good things in others. If you don't have this quality, you may not notice anything good in anyone. The interesting thing about this is the fact that the more you start noticing good things in people, the more will come to your conscious attention. Over a period of time, this will become your second nature.


While doing this, you need to be careful that you don't do it as a  ritual. You need to sincerely feel like appreciating and praising a person so that the feeling is reflected in your words and body language as you praise that person. Others can easily find out if you really mean what you say. If this perspective is missing, your praise will appear very artificial and manipulative.


This week end do a small exercise. List all the persons you come across and interact on a daily basis and write down one quality that you like in that person against his or her name. Then send a note or make a call praising that person as part of your daily interaction. When  you a give a gift to a person on occasions such as birthday or wedding day, write one good quality you like in that person along with the gift.


Try this on a daily basis and you will notice how many good people you have around you


N C Sridharan

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