[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


5th January 2009


Develop Consistency

If you really want to do something, you'll find a way; if you don't, you'll find an excuse.

One factor which decides success or failure is the amount of efforts that we put in on the task or project we have. All of us want to succeed in life and there is no doubt on this. We also have ideas and strategies to implement our plans. We all have same amount of time. We have the basic intelligence also to deicide if we are on the right track. For most of us the external opportunities are also the same. Then the question is why do we fail?


When it comes to making efforts the key element is the consistency factor. Many of us start doing an activity and we resolve to do it on a continuous basis. But somewhere in between we give up the activity even though we don't give up the project. For example, if we want to reduce our weight, we start walking or jogging. But, after a few days, the intensity of our determination comes down and we stop. When it comes to implementing our dreams in life, it is not whether you have acted on your plans, but whether you have been consistent in your efforts.


Consistency can be developed through a small exercise. From today, decide that you will practice consistency just like you practiced handwriting or driving. Apply the same principle, namely, start something little. When you practiced handwriting, you wrote only a few lines. When you learnt driving you drove only a short distance. The same principle holds good for practicing consistency. Decide on a very simple and small activity. For example you will read one quotation a day every day as the first thing in the day. Fix a time for this activity say at 6 30 am and do it. Don't stretch yourself. Don't be ambitious to fix a target of 10 quotations per day. You will be able to do it in the beginning but not as you go along.


In this strategy, you will realize that without taxing yourself too much you will practice consistency. It will not threaten your mind. Keep doing this until it becomes your habit. As your comfort level goes up, you will also realize that your self confidence also goes up. Over a period of time, you will realize that you have developed the attitude of consistency and not merely the activity of reading a quotation a day!


Try this and you will feel the difference!


N C Sridharan

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