[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


8th January 2009


Mind your emotional wellness…



The bitter and the sweet come from the outside, the hard from within, from one's own efforts.-Albert Einstein


Whenever we have problems of physical fitness, we notice them and take necessary treatment by consulting experts in the field. For example if we develop back pain or joint pain. When it reaches a stage when we cannot bear, we go to a doctor. The doctor prescribes the medicine and we come out of our ailment. We don't ignore the same. In fact we cannot ignore physical ailments since the ailment may spread to other sub systems of our body resulting in total break down of the whole human system. This is how we are configured.


While we have means of noticing and rectifying problems in our physical system, we don't have such a mechanism to notice and correct problems in emotional wellness. Just as we may fall  ill physically, we may also fall inll emotionally. For example:

  • We may feel irritated
  • We may fell angry
  • We may feel dejected
  • There may be lack of motivation
  • We may suffer from lack of interest in an area which is very critical
  • We may be suffering from lack of enthusiasm
  • We may have interpersonal problems.


These issues will affect our emotional wellness and ultimately our effectiveness. These issues may  not manifest in our external behaviour and it may take a long time even to realize that we have a problem. If allowed to continue, this situation will affect our physical health much more intensely. Our ability to come out of emotional sickness is even more important than problems of physical fitness. In fact, physical ailments such diabetics, coronary problems, hyper tension etc are a result of ignored emotional disturbances.


Once in a week ask the question: am I emotionally balanced? How am I feeling now? Do I have the enthusiasm and drive that I need given the challenges that I have now? Am I happy or sad?


Answer as frankly as possible and evaluate your emotional health. Once you notice the abnormality, take action. Consult experts in the field. Meet people who are very close to you who can give you a pep talk to get you out of the problem. Read a book on motivation. Attend a self development programme. Read an auto biography of some great people.


Can you do this, this week end?


N C Sridharan

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