[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


29th January 2010


The Cost of Repairing is More Than the Cost of Making!


A work ill done must be done twice.

Chinese proverb


When it comes to undoing what has already been done already we have to pay a price. The cost of rectifying a mistake will be much more than the cost of originally making it. If you give a pant or shirt to make alterations, you will realize this! Similarly, a poorly performed surgical operation will result in much more effort and money to rectify the same, besides causing intense pain and suffering.


This principle is applicable to any human endeavor. Whatever task we perform, we should do it right. One of the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) is `to do it right the first time and every time'. This means that we should have an appropriate process for doing any activity so that mistakes are avoided. Before doing any activity the following checklist will be useful:

  • Am I the right person to do it?
  • Do I have the adequate knowledge and skill to do the job right?
  • Do I know the appropriate process for doing it without mistake?
  • Do I have the right people to do it right?
  • If I were to delegate the job to someone, will he meet the above requirements?
  • Do I have all the resources to do it right?


When things go wrong, we go through much more tension and stress than the enjoyment we go through when we do a thing right. A thing wrongly executed also causes tension and problems to others. Sometimes, it may also affect our self esteem and self confidence. When we frequently do a thing wrongly and rectify  it ,  our  image and credibility will also suffer.


So, do it right the first time and every time!


N C Sridharan

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