[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


1st February 2010


Remembering People Who Helped Us


The heart is happiest when it beats for others.


A very important quality to be developed in us is remembering people who have helped us in some way or other. We have been succeeding in life not with our own effort alone, but also with the help of others. We have been receiving help from others not only during a crisis, but also at normal times. Just imagine what you would be if you had not received the help of others at various points of time in your life.


Normally, we remember people who have not helped us longer than we remember people who have helped us. If we approach a person for a help and  he declines we remember for ever we remember that he did not help! But over a period of time we forget the people who helped us.


It is a nice idea to list all the people who have helped us by name and what type of help they have rendered. This weak end, you make such a list. Scan your life for the past five years and try to recall all such people. Let the help be small or big. It could even be a person who lent you his pen in the post office or who gave you his seat in a public transport. After making the list, realize how you feel. Also consider if you have returned the help adequately.


The beauty in human relationship is that what is noticed is remembered and what is remembered and nurtured grows. If you remember those who helped you, the feelings of gratitude and fellowship grows. We don't even have to reciprocate the help of others. At least we can acknowledge such help. This simple act of acknowledgement will be a good encouragement for those who have the ability and resources to help. Only when encouraged, such ability to help will transform into willingness to help.


N C Sridharan

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