[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


22nd January 2010


Dream the Impossible…


Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.

Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

We have unlimited capabilities and there are  unlimited opportunities. The world outside is so very  exciting. The opportunity that is available to day has never existed in the past. There is so much of demand for any product or service to day. More and more skills are required to satisfy the ever increasing demand for more and more products and services.


We are living at the right place and right time. It is up to us to use it or lose it. So, dream the impossible and make it possible! If you read the life history of any successful person, the one common denominator you will see is their burning desire to dream impossible dreams. Take any inventor, any freedom fighter, and any industrialist. When such people said what they wanted to achieve, they were dubbed as insane or foolish. This is the struggle Galileo felt when he said that the earth is round, or when Graham Bell said that he could help mankind to speak through wire. The same was the case when Mahatma Gandhi said that he could win freedom for India through non violent means.


All dreams are not unrealistic. In fact, dreams are the language of our right brain which is the creative brain. Our creative brain communicates with us what it wants us to do. Initially, our goals will be merely a `wild thought' or a desire. Once we give a serious thought to such desires, they become our goal. Every goal has to pass through four stages before we start acting on them. They are: fantasy, probability, possibility and certainty. Some goals may fade off at the fantasy stage itself. When we take some actions in the direction of our goal, it gets into the probability state. When we increase our effort level, it becomes even more possible to reach our goal. When we are consistent in the quality of our efforts,   it is certain that we will reach goals.


This evening, all that you have to do is to take a piece of paper and just write down your `wild dreams'. Dream as wildly as possible. Make a collage of your dreams if you can. Meditate on them. Affirm to yourself that you can make it happen. You will be amazed at your own ability to convert your dream into reality.


N C Sridharan

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