[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


20th January 2010


Decide and Take Charge…


We have to take charge of our life. We need the help of others, but ultimately we decide the quality of our life. It is our decisions, our thinking pattern, the quality and the content of our mind, our actions and our attitudes and values in life which decide who we are and what we are going to be. It is your fault if you don't succeed in life. I am giving below one poem sent by one of our readers Mr. Dumpala Srinivas:



If you hate your job and you DECIDE to stay there,
it's your fault.

If someone offers you a better job, but it requires
you to move to another city, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE to save no money during your working
lifetime, winding up broke and embarrassed at age 65,
dependent on charities for survival, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE not to study or read in your chosen
field and find yourself never rising above mere
mediocrity, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE to spend more money than you make,
running yourself into debt by satisfying one
capricious whim after another, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE to waste all your time on meaningless
activities, neglecting all the important things you
could do with your life, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE never to read a self-help book and then
suffer dramatically because you are ignorant of
success principles, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE to smoke three packs of cigarettes a
day, then get lung cancer, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE to spend no time building a loving
relationship with your spouse and your spouse divorces
you, it's your fault.

If your life isn't working out well and you DECIDE to
do nothing about it, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE never to help anyone else in life and
wind up lonely, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE on goals that are completely
self-serving and you have a hard time getting others
to support you, it's your fault.

If you DECIDE never to pray and find that God works no
miracles in your life, it's your fault.


A very powerful poem. Isn't it?


N C Sridharan

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