[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


11th January 2010


Notice, watch, audit and control your weakness!

Mind is all that counts. You can be whatever you make up your mind to be
--Robert Collier

Most of our achievements are due to our using the strengths we have and our ability to spot an appropriate opportunity where we can apply our skill and ability. In order to convert our ability into results, we add and improve our strengths. We learn a new skill or acquire a new knowledge. We all do it and we have no other alternative. However, what many of us fail to do is to keep a watchful eye on our weaknesses. We fail to notice and have a check on our weaknesses. It is only natural that what is not checked grows!


We need to notice, watch, audit and control our weaknesses. Normally we have a measure of how we are adding and supplementing our strengths. For example, we notice that we need a skill such as computer knowledge, join a course and monitor our progress. We check periodically as to whether we are progressing in this process. But we do not use this strategy when it comes to controlling our weaknesses. We don't have a measure of our weaknesses.


Let us say that we notice a weakness such as procrastination. We need to know what was the degree of this weakness in us some time back and what it is  now We need to measure how this weakness is growing or reducing in its intensity. This is a very important input to our mind.  A weakness is like a cancer, which will grow and eat into our strength if we don't check it.


There is a way to do it. Let us take the same example of procrastination. Take a paper and pencil and jot down all the projects and activities connected with them which you are postponing now. The following are some illustrations:

  • To learn  Hindi
  • To jog 30 minutes a day
  • To clean up the room
  • ….


Be very honest and true to yourself. After making this list, date the same. After fifteen days, make one more list of pending things. Compare the two lists. Notice if the list is growing or reducing. If the list is growing, your weakness of procrastination is growing. Once you become conscious about this progress or deterioration, you will be more inclined to control the same.


Try this and watch your weakness disappear!


N C Sridharan

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